Saturday 25 August 2012

Ostara the mother goddess of Northern Europe

I have depicted Ostara the mother goddess of Northern Europe. Ostara is honoured as the bringer of the dawn and of the springtime. The name Easter springs from the Goddess Ostara, also known as Eostre, who is a Saxon and also Northumbrian Goddess of the spring. The 8th Century scribe Bede, wrote of the feasts held in April by Anglo Saxon Pagans in honour of the Goddess Eostre/Ostara. As signs of fertility, spring and new life, eggs, Hares and Rabbits were sacred to Ostara. She is also a Goddess of the Moon, and Hares are also linked with this side of her nature. Eggs are decorated, carved and given as gifts to honour Ostara and her festivities Easter is celebrated at the time of the Spring Equinox where Pagans celebrate the coming of spring, the quickening of life, and the new buds and seeds.

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